The ABYSSAL Database (Assessment of the deep Benthic ecosYstemS of the Southern hemisphere AtLantic sector) is an initiative linked to the Project BIOIL to provide a safe repository of the deep-sea information collected during the project, including biological, geological, physical and chemical data, as well as a georeferenced mechanism to plot the data online.

In the future, we will also include data from past and future projects from IOUSP in the deep ocean and make them available for scientists and other sectors of society, like governmental agencies.

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The ABYSSAL Database is financed by resources derived from the oil royalties administered by the Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis – ANP (National Oil and Gas Agency) together with Shell Petróleo Brasil LTDA and IOUSP through the R&D Project BIOIL.


Agência Nacional do Petróleo – ANP

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo – IOUSP

Laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução de Mar Profundo (LAMP)

Laboratório de Geologia de Margens Continentais (LAMA)

Laboratório de Ecologia Microbiana (LECOM)

Laboratório de Química Orgânica Marinha (LabQOM)

Laboratório de Oceanografia Microbiana (MicrOcean)


The ABYSSAL database encompasses biological, microbiological, geological, chemical and physical deep-sea data from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, provided by partner projects and laboratories. In the future other projects will be able to contribute with data becoming partners and collaborators of this initiative. Data from other areas of the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean (Atlantic sector) are also expected to be included in this database.

Our mapper tool will enable users to create, visualize and download maps, graphics and tables with any combination of available datasets you wish. Group and filter data as you want to better attend your needs with the help of many tools available. Try out ABYSSAL mapper and also contribute to enhance the knowledge about the last frontier of Earth, the deep sea.

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Database: The main source of data is provided by Biology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas seepage in SW Atlantic project (BIOIL) and by laboratories that are part of this project.

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If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them using the form below:

Become a partner

ABYSSAL Database (Assessment of the deep Benthic ecosYstemS of the Southern hemisphere AtLantic sector) is an initiative linked to the Project BIOIL to provide a safe repository of the deep-sea information collected during the project, including biological, geological, physical and chemical data, as well as a georeferenced mechanism to plot the data online.

ABYSSAL Database is financed by resources derived from the oil royalties administered by the Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis – ANP (National Oil and Gas Agency) together with Shell Petróleo Brasil LTDA and IOUSP through the R&D Project BIOIL.

If you want to be part of our database and contribute with the addition of data, please fill the required information below and wait for our contact. Thank you very much for your attention.

If you have any considerations regarding terms of cooperation, use of data or anything else, please let us know and we will keep in touch.